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Annual testing and certification for roof safety lines.

Safety Line Test

Roof Safety Lines are a common personal protection measure used for working safely at height. Roof safety lines require inspection and testing at least once every 12 months. 

The weather, use of the system, changes or additions to the roof can mean the system is no longer safe to use - regular testing and inspection ensures you stay compliant and your people stay safe.


Tested by LEEA trained technicians

Manufacturers and designers of the equipment

Qualified testing available across the UK

Service Details

As a building owner you have the risk of being accountable for any incident or accident that may occur. The roof safety line inspection and testing ensure the system complies and meets the regulatory standard BS EN 795:2012. It is important the testing is done by qualified and experienced technicians.


Sayfa Testing and Training ensures you have the most experienced testers, with LEEA certification and detailed product design and fitting details to perform the tests correctly and accurately. 

Our engineers can also perform any remedial and maintenance work that may be required in the same visit as they have access to approved and certified parts from Sayfa Group.

Tested by the product designers and manufacturers.

Test and Remedial works can be done in minimal visits.

Get regular testing reminders and detailed test and certification history for easy management.

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Book now

All safety equipment needs, by law, regular inspection and maintenance. Stay compliant and legal by ensuring all your inspection and testing is done on time, by qualified people. 

Regular testing keeps intact the product warranty and also meets requirements of most insurance providers.

Get in touch now to book your retest and certification.

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