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The Sayfa™Move Mobile Davit is a portable, free-standing version of the EdgeSeil™ Davit range. Davit Systems are an essential solution for cleaning and maintenance strategies, the mobile system is free standing and ideal for temporary façade access.

Sayfa™Move Mobile Davit is rated to 13kN and 14kN BS EN795-2012, Type B & E, for single and two user. It is designed for lifting and lowering personnel and materials.

Sayfa™Move Mobile Davit - 1 User | Mobile Façade Access

  • Mobile Davit suitable for 1 User with 284mm, 1084mm, 1484mm outreach / rope deviation path options. The system is manufactured from 6082-T6 structural aluminium with twin EN795:2012 Eyebolt. Assembled from polyester powder coated S275 mild steel weights, 8 no. sections each weighing circa 20kg. All securing pins are 304 grade stainless. SATRA tested and rated for a Single User. Total weight of 240kg. Supplied with bearing wheels for effortless maneuvering and foot operated brake.

For more details including product brochures, testnig reports, and operating manuals click the link above.

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