Miles Sayfa - literally!
Sayfa Now
Sayfa Updates is our latest news and Sayfa Standards features compliance information, white papers and an overview of current standards.
What is Sayfa Standards?
Product Demonstration and Engagement Day
3 week count down
Sayfa Group is now a BSIF Registered Safety Supplier
HUB Victoria - FallSecure™ Track & EdgeSeil™ Rail
Tarun Prema - Designing the future of Safety
The Sayfa Group experience - Alfie Hayes
Latest HSE figures: Increase in fatal accidents while working at height
Davit Arms - They are not sugar cubes
FallSecure Safety Post Product Launch
Height safety protection on severe weather- Altus Technical Services
Brand new design Sayfa jacket
Approved Partners: Requirements and Benefits.
Davit Systems for Rope Access - Clarendon
LOLER Testing & Inspection Guidance Note
Sayfa Group 2022 Wrap up: Looking ahead to 2023...
Work at height 29 times more fatal than military service
At the Safety In Construction Show